
Is it Spike, is it me or is it my cable TV provider (Rogers)?

According to Spike TV, there is supposed to be a whole series of Bond movies on over Christmas 2005, yet all I'm seeing is that trashy "action" series, V.I.P. (aka "Vomit, It's Pamela [Anderson]") all day everyday over the holidays.

The only things worth watching on Spike were MXC, Oblivious, CSI and MacGyver - and all of those have now been aired to death - repeats-of-repeats-of-repeats. Get some new, original programming already! I bitched to them over a year ago about the fact that their publicised schedule doesn't live up to its promises. No wonder SpikeTV is losing viewers.

Spike, it's time for you to "Check Up or Check Out".

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